I don’t know about you, but going to the dentist is not on my list of favorite things to do. An awkwardly mounted TV hanging between the wall and the ceiling is supposed to distract me from the things to come. It is safe to say, it almost never works. I wish every dentist office would have a printed ceiling like in the pictures below, helping me to escape to my “happy place” before the drilling starts.

More here: http://tinyurl.com/2ax4nt3







Recording engineer Ann Mincieli has recently opened Jungle City Studios, designed by the Walters Storyk Design Group, Highland, NY. The sleek new studio, with state-of-the-art acoustics and vintage recording equipment, sits atop a Chelsea loft building, steps from the High Line and at the heart of the city’s art scent. Clients include Alicia Keys, who is building a mirror image studio adjacent to Jungle City, as well as Beyonce, Bono and other high profile clients. RPG is proud to have been specified to provide the sound isolation as well as the interior acoustical treatment. Due to the fact that the studio was not on grade thick concrete floors could not be used. Therefore, to provide the highest isolation RPG provided it’s DPM/DPS roll our floor isolation system for the studio and control room, utilizing special resilient isolators capable of being used with lightweight floors. The system also features the innovative DPS strip, not found in any other roll out system, to handle the different perimeter loads when the walls and ceiling are resting on the floating floor, insuring uniform deflection. The system was so effective, no measurable noise interference was reported in adjacent spaces







making bacon -canadian road trip:  we took a little detour from the construct canada show today and spent the morning looking at (what else) zinc projects in and around the greater toronto area.  all the projects rocked in their own way.  and, like children, we love them all.  or, perhaps more germane, like maple syrup and bacon, we dig ‘em both.  (eh.)  however…

the photo above is of pigmented zinc (we call it “pigmento”) being installed on a new courthouse in kitchner -north of toronto.  the pigmented zinc comes in three flavors, and, if one looks closely, in multiple widths, textures and dimensions.  in this case, the courthouse is sporting multiple widths of an interlocking panel.  (more info can be found on the interlocking panel used on this project at www.vmzinc-us.com).  in addition, the soffit panels will be dri-design panels sauteed in zinc.  (www.dri-design.com). 

now, before we get called out for always talking about zinc, (sidebar: um, check out the name of the blog), let us share a great video link for this project:  http://tinyurl.com/c6whl4k .  this video shows the project being built from the moment it comes out of the ground to… well, let’s just say that it is a very tasty treat for those that are so inclined.  forgive the weak metaphor -kind of like canadian bacon.  enjoy. -vm  

Source: www.zincsense.com

repost from www.zincsense.com

back in the saddle again –after a brief respite, we are back in the saddle again and with a nice dakota-centric announcement to share:  M3Sixty has joined the VMZINC family as independent reps for the dakotas. 

as a side note, our company has an extensive representative network across the country.  M3Sixty brings decades of experience in the facade and architectural markets and completes a missing puzzle piece for the midwest. 

we are happy that they have joined the team and look forward to working with them from minot to sioux falls and all stops in between.  welcome to the ranch, boys! -vm

Source: www.zincsense.com

repost from www.zincsense.com


Chek out our newest interior line. CLIPSO technical fabrics. www.clipso.comStretch fabric ceilings and walls with digital images and prints.




It has been recently exposed in the Fad Gallery (Barcelona) such a singular glass pane, designed by the prominent architectural firm Rafael de La-Hoz for a Hospital in Móstoles (Madrid). 
The building has a rainscreen facade formed by around one thousand romboidal bubble glass units.
Cricursa has been selected to manufacture the glass panels, also giving technical support during the design process done by the architectural team.
The geometry is a double bending, first in one of the axis of the romboid, and secondly a spherical shape  sited at the centre of the pane with around 400 mm of deflection.
Glass measures are 4900 mm width, 3360 mm height and 12 mm thickness. 
The composition is formed by low iron glass, with screen-printed in white with a particular pattern, achieving privacy and solar protection.
Curved annealed glass technology offers versatility and opens up to endless structural possibilities.
Photos courtesy by Marketing Cricursa

Source: renatocilento.blogspot.com

repost from www.renatocilento.com