Eminem aside: Maybe you missed the statement by singer/songwriter/actor/8-miler Eminem, but he hates techno. Techno, prog, indy, rap, country, classical, metal -it is all music to someone. Just not Eminem. So what does this have to do with architecture? Or with California for that matter? (California???) Well, frozen music lovers, Moby, yes Moby, has a new architecture blog. So, Eminem aside, let’s take a look at this new entry into the blogosphere.
A decade or so ago, we remember being in certain studios and hearing tracks off of 18 wafting through the air. And, Moby has made a lot of music before and after that album. For some strange reason, that album sticks in our minds a decade or so later. Now instead of listening to the music, or in addition to it, we can read about Moby’s interest in Los Angeles architecture on his new blog: http://mobylosangelesarchitecture.com/
This is the guy who proved that one guy alone could make music. And, after making the music, sell it to millions of people worldwide. This is the guy who was part of an episode on a nationally syndicated sit-com: How I Met Your Mother. (Moby shares a limo with part of the cast on the way to a party.) And this is the guy who has restored Hollywood Hills houses. And now Moby is writing about Los Angeles Architecture?
Once the Moby-part of the equation sinks in, we suggest that you take some time, visit the blog and read through the entries. At the end of the day, this guy is not only an internationally known music artist, but he is also someone who loves architecture. It comes across in his writing, which is humorous, eclectic and sometimes esoteric. Here is one tidbit from Moby’s blog:
i can imagine the prison conversation:
‘hey what are you guys in for?’
guy 1 – ‘i was smuggling ar-15’s from turkmenistan to newark’.
guy 2 – ‘i blew up a bank in arkansas.’
guy 3 – ‘i ran 10 crystal meth labs in dominica’.
me – ‘i was taking pictures of mid century architecture in l.a’.
We think that many architecture fans can identify with the feelings behind this blurb, as well as the actions that resulted in imprisonment. Um… at least the architecture reference. (Hopefully not the gun/bank/meth references.) This blog, like his music itself, is fun, unexpected, and all over the board. Eminem aside (not that we don’t or can’t dig Eminem), we recommend it. Enjoy -VM
Source: www.zincsense.com
repost from www.zincsense.com