
All posts for the month January, 2012

holiday sugar:  we are in san francisco this week and had the opportunity between meetings to take a quick walk through the san francisco palace hotel.  built in 1875 and rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake, this jewel in the heart of san fran is worth the stop.  more information about a history rich with presidents, actors, authors and quite possibly many architects, can be found here:   located at number 2 on new montgomery street, we recommend it for quick, or even sustained, bursts of sugar.  enjoy this holiday treat.  -vm


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One continous panel length up to 450 feet possible, and it never leaks or flies off of the roof regardless of the windspeed! 


we are in los angeles today where a big wallet can rent a lambo from hertz, or a bigger wallet can buy one from someplace nearby.  either way, you will still be doing 25 to 45 in the fast lane of the 110 during certain parts of the day. (we rented a chevy malibu, for the record.) 

speaking of mobility, we would like to take a moment and thank all of our far-flung friends, customers, clients, reps and families for a great 2011.  we had the issue of too much work and not enough time this year.  we are thankful for such luxurious problems and appreciate your investment of time and energy with our company.  thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  (which is where we keep all of the things that we cherish.  except for the lambo, of course.  that is kept behind a gate near LAX.)

we wish you a restful and joyful holiday, and a great 2012! -vm


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